Created on 03/05/2016
Latest update on 22/05/2024

Artist: Philip Rosseter
Author: Thomas Campion
Year: 1604

Renaissance poem/song; full title: What If A Day, Or A Month, Or A Yeare? First publishing crediting Campion: Richard Alison's An Howres Recreation In Musicke (1606). Lute player Rosseter was Campion's only heir. He was also King James's favorite lute player. T.S. Eliot discribed Campion as "except for Shakespeare... the most accomplished master of rhymed lyric of his time". Was Campion the author? He was one year old when the oldest known version appeared (Metrical Psalter, 1566). Neither is the song part of his Book Of Airs, while he was credited for it during his life. Probably because his music better matched with the lyrics.



Adriaan Valerius [melody of Merck Toch Hoe Sterck from his Dutch geuzenliedboek Valerius' Gedenckclanck where it is mentioned as Comedianten Dans; written to commemorate the Spanish siege of the city of Bergen-op-Zoom in 1622; tune of the Dutch World Service]


Shepherds [idem]


Bach Choir from Pretoria [as Boer Battle (Boeren Krijgslied)]

During the Boer Wars (1899-1902) the Boers held a ceremony of singing and praying before the battle, finished off with the loud and inspiring Boerenkrijgslied, originally Merck Toch Hoe Sterck (See How Strong).


If you noticed blunt omissions, mis-interpretations or even out-and-out errors,
please let me know:

Arnold Rypens
Rozenlaan 65
B-2840 Reet (Rumst)


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