Boris Vian



  • Cover of NOBODY'S SWEETHEART in 1943
  • Cover of THAT DA-DA STRAIN in 1946 - on trompet as Dada Strain
  • Cover of WHISPERING in 1947 - as Ah! Si j'avais un franc cinquante
  • Cover of DESERTEUR, LE in 1955 - author with arranger Alain Goraguer of later Gainsbourg fame; in no uncertain terms addresed to "Monsieur Le Président"
  • Cover of SILHOUETTES in 1958 - with the Michel de Villers orchestra as Symphonie d'un soir; instr.
  • Cover of TOPSY (PART 1 & 2) in 1959 - with the Michel de Villers orch.; instr.
  • Cover of SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES in 1959 - with the Michel de Villers orchestra as Fumée aux yeux; instr.


If you noticed blunt omissions, mis-interpretations or even out-and-out errors,
please let me know:

Arnold Rypens
Rozenlaan 65
B-2840 Reet (Rumst)

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