Lord Invader



  • Cover of RUM AND COCA COLA in 1946 - his oldest recording during the Calypso After Midnight concert in Town Hall, New York, organised by Alan Lomax
  • Cover of MARY ANN in 1947 - for Moses Asch in New York
  • Cover of CALYPSO BEHIND THE WALL in 1948 - as Labor Day, crediting himself (Rupert Grant); '48 was the year carnival was first celebrated in Harlem, NY (on Labor Day)
  • Cover of SLY MONGOOSE in 1950
  • Cover of BROWN SKIN GIRL in 1955


If you noticed blunt omissions, mis-interpretations or even out-and-out errors,
please let me know:

Arnold Rypens
Rozenlaan 65
B-2840 Reet (Rumst)


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